The first "didactic" panels were prepared to present the history of Mars exploration to the general public at Scienza Fantastica 2017, the Spotorno event that that year had chosen the exploration of Mars as the topic of the year, in preparation for the launch of the EXOMARS mission which in 2018 was to go to Mars in search of signs of biological life on the Red Planet.
The Mars Area was exhibited for the first time in Villarbasse (March 2017) and then in Milano (June 2017) during the celebration for the 25 years of Italian Astronauts in Space.
The panels were presented in Spotorno during Scienza Fantastica 2017 from 24 July to 30 July 2017. During the event “Segni e Voci di altri mondi” (“Signs and Voices from other worlds”) they were presented on October 14, 2018 in Turin at the ALTEC premises (where is based the ExoMars Mission Control Center , near the ExoMars simulation area used by Altec and Thales.
Due to the several delays and, finally, the cancellation of the EXOMARS mission, the exhibition was no longer presented.