A first version of this exhibition aimed at the general public was prepared by the newborn ASITAF as a trilogy, by three different Partners (Cavallaro, Rega, Martina - who was succeeded by Santandrea), to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, and was presented for the first time in 2009in Chiavari (Genoa) .
In 2019 it was reworked for the 50th anniversary, and presented in Villarbasse during the event 50 YEARS ON THE MOON (18-26 May 2019), where Guest of Honor was Paolo Nespoli.
The panels were then shown in Acqui Terme (50 YEARS ON THE MOON, 26 October-3 November 2019), Montevarchi (Arezzo, FROM LEONARDO TO THE MOONm 44th exhibition of the Philatelic Club, August 2019), Turin Altec, (TURIN, THE MOON AND BEYOND, 16-17 November 2019), Turin Central Post Office (50 YEARS ON THE MOON, 16-17 November 2019).
More presentations were planned, but they were unfortunately cancelled due to the Covid pandemic.