Italian Republic Stamps

1949.9.14 - Alessandro Volta (chemist, physicist, 1745-1827) - IT01/IT02
1950.9.16 - Augusto Righi (physicist, 1850-1920) - IT03
1952.4.15 - Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) - IT04/IT05/IT06
1955.9.1 - Girolamo Fracastoro (doct., astronomer, 1478-1553) - IT07
1956.9.22 - VII International Astronautical Congress - IT08
1958.10.20 - Evangelista Torricelli (physicist, 1608-1647) - IT09
1962.6.12 - Antonio Pacinotti (physicist, 1841-1912) - IT10/IT11
1964.2.15 - Galileo Galilei (astronomer, physicist, 1564-1642) - IT12/IT13
1965.5.17 - Telecommunications, A. Meucci, G. Marconi - IT14
1967.12.2 - Enrico Fermi (physicist, 1901-1954) - IT15
1968.11.25 - Telespatial center of Fucino - IT16
1975.5.28 - San Marco Project - IT17
1978.5.10 - Antonio Meucci (inventor, 1808-1889) - IT18
1979.3.14 - Albert Einstein (physicist, 1879-1955) - IT19
1983.5.2 - Europe ( XXVIII ), Galilei and Archimede - IT20/IT21
1984.5.7 - International Symposium of Telecommunications - IT22
1991.4.29 - Europe ( XXXVI ), TDRS and Columbus - IT23/IT24
1995.6.2 - Centenary of X rays discovery - IT25
1995.8.7 - World Congress on Relativity - IT26
1998.10.31 - “Italia ’98” the communication - IT27
1999.10.11 - Bicentenary of Volta’s battery - IT28
1999.11.27 - Beginning of 2000 - IT29
2000.7.7 - How do you see the future - IT30
2001.9.29 - Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) - IT31
2005.9.21 - Mars’s exploration - IT32
2006.6.13 - Experimental shooting range of Salto di Quirra - IT33
2006.9.18 - Ettore Majorana (physicist, 1906-1938) - IT34
2007.7.6 - Maurizio Poggiali (military pilot, 1965-1997) - IT35
2009.5.7 - Europe, astronomy, Galileo telescope, AGILE satellite - IT36/IT37
2010.7.2 - Giovanni Virginio Schiapparelli (astronomer, 1835-1910) - IT38
2011.4.12 - Gagarin - IT39
2012.4.11 - Barbanera Almanac of Foligno (1762-2012) - IT40
2012.10.22 - Astronomical observatories, Brera and Capodimonte - IT41/IT42
2014.4.5 - Galileo Galilei, 450th birth anniversary - IT43
2014.9.16 - National Nuclear Physics Institute, Frascati - IT44
2014.9.16 - National Nuclear Physics Institute, Gran Sasso - IT45
2014.9.16 - National Nuclear Physics Institute, Legnaro - IT46
2014.9.16 - National Nuclear Physics Institute, Southern laboratories - IT47
2014.12.15 - San Marco 1 satellite - IT48
2016.12.5 - Leonardo Ximènes (astronomer, plumber, 1716-1786) - IT49
2017.3.21 - Astronomical observatory of Padova, 250th anniversary - IT50
2018.6.28 - Angelo Secchi priest (astronomer, 1818-1878) - IT51
2020.11.23 - Leonardo Fibonacci (mathematician, 1175 app.-1235) - IT52
2022.6.12 - Margherita Hack (astrophisics, 1922-2013) - IT53